DPMS References
All references in the list below are about work
performed with the DPMS. We generally only find out about publications
when our customers tell us. So if you have recently published
a peer-reviewed conference or journal paper, about a significant
body of work using the DPMS, please let us know and we will add
it to the list.
The references are presented in reverse chronological
order. A copy of the reference
list or the reference
list including abstracts, in Adobe® PDF format, is also
available for download.
Vino, G., Watkins, S., Mousley, P.D., Watmuff,
J.H. & Prasad, S.N. (2005) 'Flow structures in the near-wake of
the Ahmed model', Journal of Fluids and
Structures, 20(5): 673-695.
Vino, G., Mousley, P.D., Watmuff, J.H. &
Prasad, S.N. (2004) 'The unsteady near-wake of a simplified passenger
car', In Proceedings of the 15th Australasian
Fluid Mechanics Conference, 13-17 December, Sydney, Australia.
Watmuff, J.H., Vino, G., Watkins, S. & Hill,
B. (2004) 'Dynamic measurement of differential buffet pressure',
In Proceedings of the 15th Australasian
Fluid Mechanics Conference, 13-17 December, Sydney, Australia.